Page name: Ask an Athiest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-27 05:34:05
Last author: Sedition
Owner: Sedition
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Hello,my name is Alex,my username [Sedition].I am an athiest and have been so ever since i was 12.I take debating religion as a hobby,and often run into similair questions about faith and about my lack of faith from believers,this page is simply a question and awnser/debate forum for curious thiest and athiest alike to ask questions about the logic of religion,the bible,god,or about anything else.I try to supply a source for all my citations of claims and quotes,and i ask the same of you should you be compelled to bring some 'proof' for your get this out of the way right now(and save hours of debating),here is a small list of things that i do not consider evidence:

-Religuos text quotes that lack tangible support in reality (i get this one more then any other,please,if you quote the bible,keep in mind that i dont believe in it,and that if you cant support that claim with evidence,then well,your a moron.I cant stress enough how annoying it is to debate with someone that makes the assumption that you dont take what the bible says with a grain of salt when citing it as a credible source.)
-Ad homminem(sp?:this is a big one,personal attacks one myself or any group of people (even thiest) is not allowed,and its bigoted and unsupported.I hold christianity accountable for things like the crusades,but i do not hold a modern day follower of the religion accountable on account of they werent involved,and couldent of been anyway.criticise a philosophy,but not people,this is a very big one as it can drag a debate into name calling and mud slinging.
-Vague pseudo-intellectual babbel:this one is a little more funny then the others,but still annoying.please,please,PLEASE know im an athiest and dont believe you.take this in mind and dont start preaching to me about faith and what not,and lord xenu beaming you up into heaven or some crazy mess,really now,this one should be self explanitory but ive had to hear people say some really crazy shit to try and cover their define this more appropriatly is basiclly saying dont make illogical statements that kind of counted on the opponent actually believing you beforehand,and not have anything to support your claims.this is a really big one,nutcases are funny to look at,but i want a semi-seriuos environment here,take anything totally irrelevent to the arguement elsewhere.
-'Scientist that say this and that':now this one is a little hard to define,i DO take scientist and scholars and other specialist as evidence to a degree,what i do not accept are vague theoretics such as "scientist say the universe is so advanced that their must be a designer".That is so vague and unsupported that whoever considers that evidence needs a lead pipe to the head.PLEASE keep this a little down to earth,what i mean is only cite professionals who have seriuosly backed up their research,and have followed scientific method (hence the term scientist).
-Pascal's wager:it's safer to believe then not believe becuase of the threat of hell.

well,thats my small list of rules,i enjoy this,and want this to grow a bit of a bridge of understanding between thiest and athiest,im not here to recruit (athiest typically dont care if you believe or not,were as a decent number of thiest feel compelled to recruit for the sake of "saving" people,which in itself is something they do out of the 'goodness' of their heart becuase they kinda care about you,but it's still annoying.) i'm here to debate,weither you end up an athiest or stay a thiest is irrelevant,i do this for fun,and to get people thinking,i think there is no greater reward then to enhance the knowledge of both myself and others.

Please enter your basic questions here.if you wish to debate,request it in the comments section and i shall make a page for us,this wiki is still a bit premature,so bare with me.

Q:What made you think of this? i was getting lazy and got tired of dragging my self to the christian wikis,now they have to come to me instead,muahahaha!

Q:What it is, skank?
A:Ya know,i have made many request for people to withhold silly questions.


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2006-06-21 [drakkar]: this should be an intresting experiment

2006-06-21 [Sedition]: indeed

2006-06-21 [drakkar]: CP: counterpoint

2006-06-21 [Sedition]: i know my abbreviations drakkar

2006-06-21 [Sedition]: R:Retort

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